JOHNNY PANDORA Official Web Site



JOHNNY : Vocal, Bass
SEIJI : Guitar, Vocal
RYU : Guitar, Vocal
TAKE : Drums, Vocal
中学時代に布袋寅泰とBOØWYの音楽に触れ、ロックンロールに目覚める。その後、矢沢永吉やCAROL、横浜銀蝿をはじめとする日本のロックンロールを追求するようになり、自身も成功を夢見て上京。様々なバンドや歌手活動を経て、2016年より海外への可能性を見いだし『JOHNNY PANDORA』を結成。すぐさまフランス、イギリスを中心にヨーロッパツアーを敢行。その後もバンドや個人としてもカナダ、アジア各国などでの公演も果たし世界中へ活動の幅を広げている。 近年ではカナダとアメリカで放映の『SAPPORO BEER CANADA』のCMソングタイアップと出演。また、オーストラリア出身の世界的ロックバンド「5 Seconds Of Summer」の世界33ヵ国のiTunesアルバム・チャートで1位を獲得、世界81ヶ国の同チャートでTOP 5入りしたヒットナンバー『Youngblood』のMVの主演を務める。そして2021年には日本のファッションブランド「doublet」のモデルとしてパリコレにも出演を果たした。 得意とするロックンロール、ロカビリー、パンク、ブルースなどのルーツミュージックを取り込み、そこに日本独自の文化を融合させ自身の新たなロックンロールを作り上げている。類い稀なるルックスとスタイルが日本の漫画やコスプレ文化とも相まって世界各国より注目を集めており、「SAMURAI ROCK’N ROLL」と称した日本のロックンロールカルチャーの布教に貢献している。現在も様々な国からのオファーを受けており、日々世界への挑戦を続けている。Johnnyのロックンロールに国境は無い。
His slogan is: “FOUR SAMURAI ROCK THE WORLD! Black hair, Black eyes, Black leather, This is SAMURAI ROCK’N ROLL”
As the last Rock’n Roll samurai in Japan, Johnny pledges to keep Japanese Rock’n Roll alive in the heart of the Tokyo.

"Johnny” Daigo Yamashita, started his musical journey in Tokyo at the age of 18 after first encountering Rock’n Roll during junior high. He followed his new passion and released his first CD in 2011, titled Jeana For Young. He went solo soon after the success of his first album and now is a mainstay performer throughout Tokyo and other major metropolitan cities around the world. He is known around Japan for his unique style of fashion and music. He is one of the few successful, young and promising rockabilly singers in the world. He is making his own new Rock’n Roll sound by infusing traditional Japanese music styles with specialty music of his own rock roots such as rockabilly, punk, and blues. He calls his musical style SAMURAI ROCKN’ ROLL. He wanted to capture the essence of his warrior ancestors. By mixing Japanese culture with western Rock’n Roll, Johnny was able to transform the Japanese music scene with his creation of SAMURAI ROCK'N ROLL.

Not only is he an accomplished musician and composer, but he also has worked as a professional actor, singer, dancer and model. He has just finished his 4th album and you can find Johnny performing around the world with his band JOHNNY PANDORA. He is performing in major cities throughout Europe, Asia, and U.S.A, as well as throughout Japan. He will continue to work hard spreading his original Japanese Rock’n Roll culture around the world.


2013 “3.1 Phillip Lim” promotional video
2016 “BEAMS” commercial for 40th anniversary
2017 'Johnny Jeana : Portrait of a Tokyo Rockabilly' documentary about him on NOWNESS
2018 He and his song ‘ROCK ME BABY’ was featured in “SAPPORO BEER CANADA” TV commercial
2018 5 Seconds Of Summer MV “Youngblood”, main lead actor
2021 He was part of “Paris Fashion Week”as a model of ‘Doublet’
2023 Short Film“Pool Party”commercial for ‘L’AGENCE’ in Hollywood, lead actor
2024 Blame My Youth MV “Tokyo Rose” main lead actor